Meet Our Team Of Experts

About Nicholas Cheng

With 8 years of experience in the field of anti-oxidants and wellness, Nicholas Cheng is one of the top global distributors of Negative Ion clothes and products for the past 6 years. He has helped more than 5000 negative ion product users helping to improve their wellness, and value adds with nutritional and lifestyle advice.

Nicholas Cheng

Real Stories

Trigger Finger

Testimony for Trigger Finger:

I am glad that my trigger finger got better without going through surgery! Now the pain is all gone, and this is all thanks to negative ions products. My recovery journey involves wearing negative ions gloves every night to ensure sufficient exposure to negative ions. In 3 weeks, the pain is all gone already! I also noticed the skin on my hands becomes fairer and smoother as well, which is a bonus haha! I am very thankful to my friend who recommended me these supportive health products!



Testimony for Gastritis:

About a year ago, I came across negative ions products because my daughter was suffering from gastritis. My daughter had tried Traditional Chinese Medicine, Western approach and more, but none of them was able to pinpoint the underlying cause. I was willing to do anything to help my daughter feel better so I decided to check out negative ion therapy. Thankfully my daughter’s condition gradually improved after she started using negative ion products. Now, her condition has really improved a lot and she no longer experiences severe stomachache even after having ice cream! I am really grateful to have found negative ions products for my daughter’s health.



一年前因為女兒的胃炎接觸到「妮芙露」負離子產品,當時女兒已經使用各種傳統療法:中醫,西醫,艾灸,可是胃還是一直疼……直到遇到「妮美龍」負離子產品 僅僅是簡單的穿衣服蓋被子,孩子的身體一天天好轉,現在一年過去了孩子就算是吃了冰淇淋胃都不再疼了🌹🌹 非常感恩遇見這根神奇的纖維,讓女兒重獲健康

Sinus Cancer:

Testimony for Sinus Cancer:

Back in August 2017, I was diagnosed with sinus cancer. The invasive tumour made my left cheek swollen.

While I waited for chemotherapy I used negative ion shawl, mask, Eskimo hat and blanket to wrap around my affected areas. Three weeks later, blood clots and other substances started to drain from my nose – I felt relieved.

I went for 8 hours of intensive chemotherapy every day and after each session, my negative ion clothes smell of chemicals as soon as they are washed. My doctors were surprised that my body was stronger despite going through chemotherapy (which usually weakens people’s bodies).

Today, my tumour has significantly reduced and I am slowly recovering. Thank you Nefful for producing such amazing negative ion products and also thanks to Marie who introduced me to life-changing Nefful negative ion products!

感恩新加坡雅銀領袖分享 我43歲的弟弟在2017年8月被診斷爲4B期竇癌.他的左臉頰整個被腫瘤侵襲了.在等待化療的時候,他用妮芙露的多層披肩、面罩和愛斯基摩帽公司用毯子裹住了他的患處.三週後,血液凝塊和外來物質開始從他的鼻子中排出.他感到如釋重負.他每天進行8小時的強化化療.每次做完化療後,他的妮芙露衣服一洗就散發出化學物品的味道.儘管化療使醫生們感到驚奇,他的身體卻更加強壯了.今天,他的腫瘤已經顯著減少,並在康復的道路上.感謝內福爾生產瞭如此驚人的產品,也感謝我的介紹人瑪麗網爲我介紹了內弗爾 可以拯救紐約的生命.

Diabetes and Angiomas

Testimony for Diabetes and Angiomas

For decades I worked tirelessly for my career and earned myself financial freedom. However, this was at the expense of my health. Last April, I was hospitalised due to the complications of my diabetes condition – my fever just would not go down. This health crisis brought me to my senses, wealth is nothing without health. I wanted to feel better and regain control over my health and life.

I have been suffering from diabetes for 20 years, my condition brought me a lot of pain. You could say the quality of my life was poor and it got worse when my health condition started worsening. I was lucky to have friends who introduced negative ions to me. After my friend’s sharing, I gave negative ion products and myself a chance – a chance to feel better again.

On my first visit to the office, I invested in 3 sets of negative ion products. I started using them extensively every day. I wore four to five layers of negative ion clothes and frequently wash (up to 3 times a day) and change my clothes. In addition to thick layers of negative ion clothes, I used the negative ion blankets daily. In just 40days, my blood sugar level dropped back to normal levels (5.8)!

Besides myself, my mum is also using negative ions. She has angiomas which disrupt blood flow to her legs. Despite her condition worsening, she refused to seek treatment as she was afraid of surgery. After seeing how negative ions improved my health condition, she also started wearing negative ion clothes happily. We saw a great improvement in her leg condition and she no longer relies on medication now that her condition is under control!

I can see that she is getting healthier and more lively. When I went to visit my mum the other day, I was thrilled to see her in great shape, we even played badminton together that afternoon.

I am grateful to these negative ions products as they have done an amazing job in helping me and my mum’s recovery journey.

60歲的黃姐在傳統行業奮鬥了一輩子,該賺的和不該賺的都賺到了(財富和疾病)。去年四月份因為糖尿病的併發症而住院,高燒不退。住院醫生的一句話深深地刺痛了她,讓她內心對健康燃起了強烈的渴望。 黃姐得糖尿病20年,健康狀況一度讓她非常痛苦,在好朋友的分享下為了給自己一個機會,簡單相信第一次去公司,就為自己投資三個全套,回家後大量大量用每天穿四至五層,一天換洗三次,且大都用被子和厚款衣服,穿了40多天血糖降到5.8!

黃姐媽媽好有福氣,只因自己的女兒在大力使用負離子短短兩個月時間裡改善了長達二十多年的糖尿病,也幸福地穿上了負離子衣服。 晚年最幸福的福星老奶奶90歲生日🎂剛過,一年前血管瘤堵了一雙腿,因為怕手術遲遲未得到治療,自從去年穿上負離子健康衣服之後,雙腳得到了非常好的改善再也不用吃藥!人越來越精神也越來越活。近日女兒回鄉看她,還在院子裡陪她打羽毛球。

Endometrial Cancer

Testimony for Endometrial Cancer

I have been using Nefful negative ions products extensively; I layer 6 pairs of negative ions underwear and change a new set every 4 hours. In my recent regular follow-up report, my doctors were surprised to see that I no longer had cancer cells.

I tailored a negative ion jacket from the negative ion blanket, and I wear it even during the summer season although it is really hot because I know I need large quantities of negative ions to help with my serious health condition.

Nefful negative ion products are really great! You should treat yourself right and care for your health early for a long and fulfilling life.

*Besides supporting recovery from chronic health conditions, negative ion clothes can be used for regular wellness maintenance too.






Testimonial for Shingles

Thank you to our Hongkong partner Ye Tiancai for sharing her mom’s story. Tiancai’s mom was experiencing backaches, she consulted the doctor for 10 days but nothing was being diagnosed.

Concerned, Tiancai decided to pay her mom a visit and realised that her mom’s back as well as left side of breast had blisters all over. Due to the pain, her mom was injected with painkiller on 14th morning.

However, in the night, Tiancai’s mom experienced extreme pain again. She was sent to the hospital the next day and was diagnosed with shingles.

The doctor mentioned that patients with shingles need not stay in hospital, hence Tiancai’s mom was only prescribed with one week medicine. A few days past by but her mom’s condition did not improve, it worsened.

She was then sent to another hospital and was warded there. During her stay in the hospital, her condition was worse than before. Tiancai’s friend strongly advised her to look out for other solutions.

Tiancai knew about Nefful at that point in time. On 23rd, she went home, and purchased 2 undershirts and 8 boxes of Neoron cloth for her mom.

On that day she immediately put on negative ion clothing for her mom, placed the Neoron cloth at the front and back of wound and changed every 2 hours.

After changing 2 times, the blisters dried up. However, if she were to use medicated cream prescribed by the doctor on her mom, liquid pus would flow out from the blisters continuously. As such, on the 25th, Tiancai requested the doctor to stop applying any medicated cream on her mom.

Within 5 days of wearing negative ion clothes and cloth, her mom’s wound healed and her pain reduced by 6 times.

Tiancai is thankful that Nefful company produces high tech products so that she can help her family members achieve a good quality of life.

生蛇见证分享 感谢香港叶天彩区总分享自己和妈妈的的故事。我妈妈上个月常常腰痛,看了医生十多天医生也没有发现到我妈妈是生蛇, 因为时间拖长了令妈妈的病情越来越差,我在台湾学习,回香港是12号晚上,因为担心妈妈病情,第3天14号就回家看妈妈。

没想到回去发现妈妈左边的被部和胸部长了很多水泡,14号回去,家人也说妈妈打了止痛针,当时看到妈妈感觉问题不大,看完之后当晚回到香港。然后打电话报平安,可是当时传来妈妈非常痛苦的声音。 妈妈不停的说她的伤口附近痛的要命。


我决定23号回去,这时买了公司的女装两套衣服,顺便带了8盒万用方巾,回医院我马上帮妈妈用万用方巾敷前后的伤口,两个小时左右换一次,换两次后之后,伤口马上明显见到收水,因为之前医生每天帮我妈妈洗伤口2 次,涂药膏两次,但是每次涂后,妈妈大面绩的伤口不断出水,这样下去伤口没有很好的和结巴, 后来叫医生25号停止涂药膏,给妈妈专心用负离子产品,真的没想到短短5 天,伤口恢复这样快,妈妈严重痛楚减少6成,妈妈伤口也开始结巴,非常开心。现在妈妈听话开始大量用负离子产品。 感谢妮芙露公司引进这样棒的负离子产品

Proctitis (dog)

Testimony for Proctitis (dog):

For humans or animals, Nefful negative ions products are indeed effective in improving health and aiding recovery! This is my little puppy, Kaka, as seen in the picture, he suddenly had proctitis a few weeks ago. Unfortunately, the vet clinic close to my house wasn’t open on Sunday.

I recalled my friends sharing testimonials about negative ions products and how it may be beneficial for the recovery of proctitis so I decided to use my own negative ions cloth to wrap Kaka’s wounds. In just 2 hours, the swollen area broke into water and in just 2 days, the wound started to heal and dry up. Within a week, his wounds fully healed and recovered!

Kaka’s recovery process did not involve any treatment from the vet, no medication and surgery – all I did was to wrap him in negative ion cloth.

Thanks to Nefful negative ions products, my little puppy is healthy and lively again!

💖Kaka 好見證分享🙏🙏🙏 不管是人畜,只要是動物,都有超棒的見證效果!我們家裡的小狗卡咔幾個星期前肛門直腸發炎腫大外露,又碰巧是星期天沒有獸醫看!媁淇區總想起那些痔瘡問題的好見證,於是馬上用妮芙露布料包紮患處,兩個小時後腫大的部分自動破水,我們繼續給牠更換和使用負離子布料,2天後傷口開始收乾,7天後傷患處完全康復!整個過程沒有看過醫生或開刀吃藥💊,單憑負離子布料包紮幾天就痊癒了,現在小狗又過回健康快樂的生活嘍!妮芙露產品真的太神奇太厲害了!


Testimony for Stroke

It has been 10 years since we first came across NEFFUL Negative Ions Products through Yi Qi and Kelvin (my husband’s brother). I really appreciate their drive and passion for sharing about negative ions to help people achieve a youthful and healthy life. They have never given up on conveying the importance of good health to their loved ones including my husband and I — which I only understood later in life. At that point in time, we were young, healthy and took our health for granted, hence we did not consider investing in Negative Ions Products to maintain our health.

This January, my love, Ah Thiam suddenly suffered from brain haemorrhage and was hospitalised. On the second day in ICU, he was experiencing heart failure so the surgeons had to operate on him. After going through 2 major surgeries, he went into a coma and the doctors told me to be prepared for the worst. The MRI scan showed that he was experiencing internal bleeding in his right brain and the back of his neck. 80-90% of his brain cells were damaged and he was in a vegetative state.

Yi Qi and Kelvin insisted that I should at least let my husband try Negative Ions clothing, I was overwhelmed by my husband’s health crisis at that moment so I allowed them to proceed as they saw fit.

Much to our amazement, in just 3 short weeks of exposure to a high density of negative ions using Nefful’s blanket and clothing, my husband woke up from his coma. 5 months after discharge, he could sit upright and even understand our conversations, his condition is still improving gradually for now. I am so thankful to Yi Qi and Kelvin for their kindness and persistence.

Thank you Nefful for manufacturing high-quality negative ions products that literally saved my husband’s life, giving him a second chance in life. Since then, I have been encouraging my friends and relatives to learn more about Nefful negative ion products and to invest their health as early as possible to live a long and productive life!

十年前的我们接触到妮美龍负离子产品,YI QI 和少宏领袖十年来一直没放弃的跟我们分享负离子健康法,当时的我们年轻又健康,完全不相信穿衣服就可以健康。



YI QI 和少宏领袖坚持要我给他用NEFFUL负离子产品,当时的我也没力去反对了,死马当活马医吧。 很奇迹的,在短短三个星期大量使用负离子产品后,他张开了眼睛。


感恩YI QI和少宏领袖的坚持,感谢公司出产那么高科技负离子产品,让我先生奇迹的活下来,也感恩因为我先生的福气,让我们身边的家人也一起使用产品,改善自己的健康。

Skin Issues (Eczema, Rashes)

Testimonial for Skin Issues (Eczema, Rashes)

I have been suffering from eczema and multiple other skin problems for at least 3 years. My whole body had rashes, it was extremely itchy and my skin was broken and flaking, it was a painful time and it really affected me. The doctors were unable to find out the cause of my skin problems and told me that it was due to a problem in my immune system so he gave me medication. Despite taking medication, I saw no improvement and what’s worse, I was unable to sleep due to the pain and itchiness.

I’ve thought of ending my pain but I thought about my family and I pulled through. I sought western treatment, Chinese traditional medicine, supplements and more – I was willing to try anything to feel better. Because of my condition, I have not been able to work for the last 3 years and have spent most of my saving in seeking treatment and health products. I was really desperate to find something that works. This was when I came across negative ions products.

My friend was the one who introduced Nefful negative ions clothes to me. I first tried 2 sets of innerwear and on my 1st night of using it, I slept deeply and soundly. I was pleasantly surprised by the effects and decided to go down to Nefful’s office to find out more (my wife was reluctant to go with me at first).

In the end, I bought a full set of negative ions products and have been using it. My rashes and skin issues slowly disappeared, now I am able to get 6-7hrs of good sleep!

My friends who saw the improvement of my health have been asking me about it. I’m no expert in negative ions clothes so I’ve been learning about it and sharing my experience with my friends. I hope more people can benefit from it!

感謝分享🌹🌹详细版的来啦! 前天‮桃到‬園領‮班導‬講課,坐在‮一第‬排的‮位這‬男士‮引吸‬到‮的我‬目光,在他專注、認‮的真‬神情下,‮乎似‬有‮感段‬人的故事,‮烈強‬的‮奇好‬心驅‮著使‬我想去發掘、去感動💕


中西醫、偏方、保健食品..,甚至1‮小個‬小‮膏藥‬要價8千多‮也元‬得買,因為‮們他‬說‮了擦‬有效,張先生‮趕想‬快好起來,所‮什以‬麼都‮意願‬試…,‮3這‬年多‮他來‬無法工作,買‮些這‬幾乎‮光花‬他‮積的‬蓄,聽他說到這,‮名莫‬的‮感傷‬湧上,一個‮無人‬力無‮又助‬渴望好起來..,向‮天老‬吶喊,希望有回應、‮得能‬到援助.. 張先‮一生‬定‮位是‬很有‮報福‬的好人,上‮聽天‬到‮的他‬聲音了,‮時這‬走進‮生他‬命裏‮一的‬位‮友朋‬告‮他訴‬妮芙‮負露‬離‮健子‬康衣物,他簡‮相單‬信,一開始投資2套‮心暖‬內衣褲使用,‮一第‬天使用後,那‮睡晚‬了1‮多個‬小時,很深、很沈 ,他好興奮,‮不顧‬及‮婆老‬的反對,硬‮要是‬求老‮一婆‬起到‮司公‬來了解,當‮投下‬資了全套,‮先張‬生的‮運命‬開始改變,‮上身‬的病‮已痛‬漸潮消除,‮能也‬睡上6、7‮小個‬時,身體皮‮狀膚‬況‮改也‬善了,真的‮太是‬棒了!


Man with skin issues


Testimonial for Arthritis

My First Sharing About Negative Ions Products I have been suffering from arthritis for a very long time and although I went for several body checks, the results always showed that there was nothing wrong with me.

Arthritis has been troubling me for at least 3 years and my condition was only getting worse. Last year, I experienced recurring acute attacks which were painful and devastating. At that point in time, I had to rely on anti-inflammatory medicines prescribed by my doctors to help relieve the agonizing pain caused by inflammation. As a result, my weight increased rapidly.

Worse still, I was diagnosed with dysautonomia. My health problems greatly affected my personal life and quality of life.

In April this year, a good friend of mine recommended negative ions products. At first, I did not believe her as I was always sceptical of direct sales. But I thought to myself that there was no harm trying out the negative ions wrist & knee guards since they were not supplements that I had to eat (and will not cause direct harm to my body). Besides, even if they did not help my swollen knees, I could still wear them as accessories during the summer and winter seasons.

With this mindset, I have been wearing them every night and day since then. I was pleasantly surprised by the effects when I realised one day that my body felt different! My knees swelled less and the recurrent attacks were less frequent and when it happened, it was shorter and less painful – I felt like I didn’t rely on medication anymore!

I also noticed that even after drinking red wine or liquor, my knees do not hurt that much as before.

To my dear friends out there, I would recommend you to try Nefful negative ions products if you have any chronic conditions that haven’t improved even after visiting doctors or if you simply want to improve the health of your older family members at home. I’m grateful for these products because my knees would not have been better if I did not take the opportunity to try them. Most importantly, these products are natural, so you do not have to worry about any adverse effects from using them!

负离子首次分享:一直有关节炎的我困扰了很久,该怀疑的抽血检验指数都正常。而且也抽血检查了三年,去年更是反反复复的一直急性发作!发作痛到一度怀疑人生,心情很闷。如果要能快速止痛就只能吃医生开的消炎药!!体重一度要到人生高峰。。。甚至在去年下半年还诊断出自律神经失调。。种种的身体不适也大大的影响自己的心情!!在今年4月,好朋友跟我分享她使用负离子新的,我想哪有那么神奇,我听到是直销都害怕。但是她想到我的膝盖肿得实在太严重,应该试试。我想反正也不是吃什么保养品什么的,所以就索性买了两个护膝护肘的护具!!就算真的没有比较好还是可以一直带着也不会坏!!冬天可以保暖护膝,夏天可以防晒阻挡小黑蚊兼时尚穿搭!!自己默默这样盘算着,就这样每天上班或者出游穿着,晚上睡觉也穿着,当自己发现有不同感受的时候觉得有点不可思议!!发作的时候没那么痛了!!发作复原的时间短了!!发作的次数也减少了,也不会想去抓消炎药来吃。甚至喝了红白酒,啤酒居然也没什么发作!之前膝盖肿到都快看不到骨头的形状,现在慢慢觉得膝盖有骨感。 如果觉得自己的老毛病一直没有改善,不妨给自己一个机会使用看看!如果想帮助家里老人家身体保健,不妨花点钱帮助他们舒缓的机会!!如果当初我没给自己机会使用,现在的关节也不会好转。这负离子产品并不会过期,天然且对身体无副作用,这是最重要的!

Featured In

Science Behind Negative Ions

Negative Ions

Let’s begin with atoms. Atoms are the foundation of all matter – be it rocks or human beings!

To put it simply, Ions are just atoms with a positive or negative electrical charge. A negative ion happens when an atom gains an electron.

There are naturally occurring negative ions everywhere, including in waterfalls, mountains, moving streams, and more.

The advantages of negative ions include increased immunity generally, better cell health, and improved blood circulation.

How Many Negative Ions Do I Need? 1

Good For Health

1,000 to 2, 000 (per cm3 of air)

Strengthen Immune System

5,000 to 50,000 (per cm3 of air)

Enhance Natural Healing Abilities
on Chronic illness

100,000 to 500,000 (per cm3 of air)

Benefits of Negative Ions


Purifies blood &
improves blood circulation


Keep cells healthy &
increase cell activity


Boost overall immune system which protects your body


Balance the system and improves areas such as sleep and hormones

Dr Horiguchi explaining the
benefits of Negative Ions

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