Testimony for #Gout #StiffKnee #FeetSwelling #NegativeIons Ms Qun’s friend has had troubles with gout, causing her unbearable pain, almost hoping life would end to stop
Testimony from China – #LumbarDiscHerniation It has been 9 year’s since Xiang Ru’s husband suffered a Lumbar Disc Herniation. At the end of last year,
Amazing #testimonial from Mariam about her mum! After using high density of Negative Ions Clothes, – #Hypertension improvement after 2 months – #Glucose level improvement
Testimony #SevereSkeletalMuscleWeakness #MyastheniaGravis Upon hearing about “Myasthenia Gravis”, one would find it hard to link this rare condition with someone like Candy. According to the
Testimony on #Stroke #WaterRetention and many more Silvered-haired Ms Wang Baofeng is a family woman who loves food and loves to travel. Unfortunately, 5 years
Testimony for #bruises #recovery Thank you to our partner for sharing the effects of using Negative Ions. On 19th August, my husband participated in the
Testimony for #stroke #cerebralinfarction #brainatrophy Sharing a real-life account of how my dad’s stroke in the brain shows improvement (rare!), with significant improvement for his
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