Testimony for Diabetes
- 1988 July, due to diabetes, his knee started swelling and rotting due to inflammation.
- Due to swelling and rotting area of the knee, pus started to come out of the inflamed area, and he had to go through 4 operations.
- After the operation, he took too much antibiotics which caused kidney failure, needing to go for dialysis 3 times a week.
- 1991, March 20, after using the full set of negative ion products, the swelling and rotting on knee subsided.
- High blood sugar index of 200-300 dropped to 120, the knee does not hurt anymore and made a complete recovery from the inflammation.
- After 6 months of usage, he stopped using crutches and became healthier.
- 1988年7月因糖尿病.倂發作膝關節腐爛‘發炎。
- 發膿開過4次手術使甩拐仗。
- 因脚渦程吃太多消炎藥傷到腎之後1个礼拜洗3次肾。
- 1991年3月20日經全套使用三個月後藤翻節消腫。
- 血糖從200至300.降到正常120,膝關節不痛不發炎。
- 氣色改變在經6個月後拐杖也不必再用了。