Real Stories

Diabetes and Angiomas

Testimony for Diabetes and Angiomas

For decades I worked tirelessly for my career and earned myself financial freedom. However, this was at the expense of my health. Last April, I was hospitalised due to the complications of my diabetes condition – my fever just would not go down. This health crisis brought me to my senses, wealth is nothing without health. I wanted to feel better and regain control over my health and life.

I have been suffering from diabetes for 20 years, my condition brought me a lot of pain. You could say the quality of my life was poor and it got worse when my health condition started worsening. I was lucky to have friends who introduced negative ions to me. After my friend’s sharing, I gave negative ion products and myself a chance – a chance to feel better again.

On my first visit to the office, I invested in 3 sets of negative ion products. I started using them extensively every day. I wore four to five layers of negative ion clothes and frequently wash (up to 3 times a day) and change my clothes. In addition to thick layers of negative ion clothes, I used the negative ion blankets daily. In just 40days, my blood sugar level dropped back to normal levels (5.8)!

Besides myself, my mum is also using negative ions. She has angiomas which disrupt blood flow to her legs. Despite her condition worsening, she refused to seek treatment as she was afraid of surgery. After seeing how negative ions improved my health condition, she also started wearing negative ion clothes happily. We saw a great improvement in her leg condition and she no longer relies on medication now that her condition is under control!

I can see that she is getting healthier and more lively. When I went to visit my mum the other day, I was thrilled to see her in great shape, we even played badminton together that afternoon.

I am grateful to these negative ions products as they have done an amazing job in helping me and my mum’s recovery journey.

60歲的黃姐在傳統行業奮鬥了一輩子,該賺的和不該賺的都賺到了(財富和疾病)。去年四月份因為糖尿病的併發症而住院,高燒不退。住院醫生的一句話深深地刺痛了她,讓她內心對健康燃起了強烈的渴望。 黃姐得糖尿病20年,健康狀況一度讓她非常痛苦,在好朋友的分享下為了給自己一個機會,簡單相信第一次去公司,就為自己投資三個全套,回家後大量大量用每天穿四至五層,一天換洗三次,且大都用被子和厚款衣服,穿了40多天血糖降到5.8!

黃姐媽媽好有福氣,只因自己的女兒在大力使用負離子短短兩個月時間裡改善了長達二十多年的糖尿病,也幸福地穿上了負離子衣服。 晚年最幸福的福星老奶奶90歲生日🎂剛過,一年前血管瘤堵了一雙腿,因為怕手術遲遲未得到治療,自從去年穿上負離子健康衣服之後,雙腳得到了非常好的改善再也不用吃藥!人越來越精神也越來越活。近日女兒回鄉看她,還在院子裡陪她打羽毛球。

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