Testimony for Gastritis:
About a year ago, I came across negative ions products because my daughter was suffering from gastritis. My daughter had tried Traditional Chinese Medicine, Western approach and more, but none of them was able to pinpoint the underlying cause. I was willing to do anything to help my daughter feel better so I decided to check out negative ion therapy. Thankfully my daughter’s condition gradually improved after she started using negative ion products. Now, her condition has really improved a lot and she no longer experiences severe stomachache even after having ice cream! I am really grateful to have found negative ions products for my daughter’s health.
一年前因為女兒的胃炎接觸到「妮芙露」負離子產品,當時女兒已經使用各種傳統療法:中醫,西醫,艾灸,可是胃還是一直疼……直到遇到「妮美龍」負離子產品 僅僅是簡單的穿衣服蓋被子,孩子的身體一天天好轉,現在一年過去了孩子就算是吃了冰淇淋胃都不再疼了🌹🌹 非常感恩遇見這根神奇的纖維,讓女兒重獲健康