Real Stories

Migraines, Physical Fitness, Sluggishness of young children, Severe Backache, Dermatosis, Allergic Coryza
Migraines, Physical Fitness, Sluggishness of young children, Severe Backache, Dermatosis, Allergic Coryza
Lin Huimei

Product Use: whole set 

Before using the negative ion clothing products, I have been afflicted with migraine headaches for five to six years. I was too ill to do homework and needed pain medication. My medicine dosage and frequency kept increasing. But after wearing the clothing for three days, my pains were relieved. When I had to decide whether to take off the negative ion clothing or take the medicine continually, I chose to keep wearing the clothing. Since that day, I have not had a headache nor taken any medicine. If I had not personally experienced Teviron for myself, I would not have believed its great effect! I highly recommended the products to my family to improve my husband’s lower body tinea, and backache; the athlete’s feet and dermatosis of my elder son; and the sensitive dermatitis of my younger son. I then started sharing my experience with negative ions to relatives and friends.

Xiushan’s eldest daughter, Tingting, was two years old and could not walk because Tingting’s lumbar vertebrae injury during pregnancy. Tingting’s diagnosis was a form of physical ability retardation, which meant that she needed convalescent care. After 24 hours of using the products, Tingting had a surprisingly good reaction. The effect was so amazing, even I could not believe it! We expect that Tingting will recover soon.

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