Testimony for Low Degree #myopia by Hannah Liu
My eyes have been feeling uncomfortable for a while. Thinking back, I am always using my mobile phone for work purposes. Alas, my eye degree must have increased and I need to make another pair of glasses. However, due to laziness, I have been dragging my feet for 2 months. In early September, I found an eye frame that I liked and decided to face up to this thing that would hurt my wallet.
After the eye check-up, the optometrist asked me if I didn’t feel uncomfortable wearing this pair of glasses. I said it felt very uncomfortable recently. Therefore I decided to come and make a new pair. He said that my degree was incorrectly prescribed, which caused dizziness.
My degree is too deep? Is he saying that my eye degree was too deep? Did he make a mistake? My right eye degree was 375 while my left eye degree was 250 since high school. Considering how it hasn’t worsened, that is already very good! Where did this come about?
The optometrist passed me the eye check-up report and asked me to see it for myself. My right eye degree was wrongly prescribed by 100 degrees more while my left eye was wrongly prescribed by 75 degrees more. I refused to believe him and asked for another round of checking to make sure. However, the results turned out to be the same. The Optometrist confidently told me to not worry and he will test other things.
After doing gap detection testing, it confirmed that my eye check-up was accurate. With my current lenses, I can only view up to 0.8D. After reducing the degree on both sides, I could see up to 1.2D.
The Optometrist said it is rare to have eye degree reduction. He asked me if I ate any supplements. I didn’t take any eye care supplements because I thought that my degree wasn’t too deep so I didn’t need to waste money on eating those. But I know in my heart what helped me.
After reaching home, I immediately shared with my family and husband and my husband was amazed (while challenging the scientific thinking of people). After reading the posts shared by my mum’s friend, I came to know that from the Traditional Chinese Medicine point of view, myopia can be dealt with. I will be sharing how it all works.
The liver opens into the eyes and its corresponding organ is the liver. Therefore, those who don’t have a good liver won’t have good eyes. Before I came into contact with negative ion bedding, I would wake up 5 times a night, with every wake taking me at least half an hour before I can go back to sleep. It is no wonder why the Chinese medicine practitioners said that I had dampness in my body, which affects my sleep. To sleep well, you need to take care of the liver and in turn, take care of your eyes.
The above is a real testimony for my usage of negative ion bedding and the eye mask. Your body belongs to you and being healthy is your own responsibility, not the doctor’s. This amazing experience is a surprising benefit of using negative ion products and I think my silent organ should be happier as compared to last time since I am taking better care.
做完了缺口檢測,更加證實了剛剛驗光無誤,當我戴上現在眼鏡度數的鏡片,只能看得到0.8,降低了兩邊的度數,看到1.2完全不是問題! 驗光師說,鮮少看到有人度數減少的耶!妳有吃什麼保養品嗎?我沒吃任何眼睛的保養品,因為我自覺度數不深,不用浪費錢吃那些,但我自己清楚的知道,是什麼幫助了我
回到家立馬跟老公還有家人分享,老公也是嘖嘖稱奇(又再度挑戰科學人的思維 )而且很共時的,看到媽友分享了素人父母的貼文,才知道原來以中醫的論點,近視是可以被處理的,最下面的三個連結跟大家分享 ❤