Let’s begin with atoms. Atoms are the foundation of all matter – be it rocks or human beings!
To put it simply, Ions are just atoms with a positive or negative electrical charge. A negative ion happens when an atom gains an electron.
There are naturally occurring negative ions everywhere, including in waterfalls, mountains, moving streams, and more.
The advantages of negative ions include increased immunity generally, better cell health, and improved blood circulation.
The red blood cells disperse after exposure to negative ions, allowing better oxygen absorption and blood flow in the body.
After exposure to negative ions through our TEVIRON fabric, even pH levels are regulated to an optimum healthy pH level of 7.35 to 7.45.
– excerpt from “Forever Young and Beautiful” by Dr Fumimasa Yanagisawa
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Optimises our body oxygen intake and waste elimination in our cells
Did you know?
When we facilitate waste removal and nutrient absorption, cells become vitalized and healthy!
Especially the body’s NK Cell.
In a published paper, Immunological Effect of Long-term Exposure of Negative Air Ions on Human, it was shown that the percentage of NK cells with the exposure of the ions was lower than without ions.
Did you know?
Negative ion atmospheric loading has been reported to affect a range of psychological functions, from alertness to circadian rhythms, and has been suggested to benefit a variety of medical conditions, from allergies to migraine. – Indian Journal of Psychiatry, 1992 (Source: Charles Yeh C.S, Wear Anions)
Natural killer cells (NK cells) are a type of white blood cell and a component of innate immune system.
NK cells play a major role in the host-rejection of both tumours and virally infected cells.
The autonomic nervous system, or ANS, is responsible for the involuntary functions of the human body ie the heart, your digestive system and basic functions such as breathing through the lungs. Because it is so automatic, we are seldom conscious of it, but it heavily affects our overall well being.
Did you know?
Negative ions can increase the alpha brain waves to inhibit sympathetic nerve activities and excite the parasympathetic nerve. – www.negativeionshealth.com
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