Testimony for #Ovarian Water #Cyst from JiXi Taiwan
Recently, I have been delighted to be hearing many positive stories of pregnant ladies using Negative Ion clothes.
One such experience is from Xiaofang of Taiwan (photo right). She has been using Negative Ion Clothes for more than 22 years.
At a school alumni gathering, she was introduced to her friend’s younger sister who left a deep impression on her. At a glance, she could tell the younger sister looked pale and ill. Turns out, out of her typical 30-day menstrual cycles, 15 days are very uncomfortable, with excessive bleeding, even grow 3 water cysts in her ovary, denying her of conceiving and children in her 4 years of being married.
Upon Xiaofang’s advice, the younger sister bought 2 Negative Ion panties to try. For about more than a month, fearing that there wouldn’t be much effect, Xiaofang was hesitant to follow up with the sister. But to her pleasant surprised, Xiaofang was called up by the sister, requesting for more products to use. She shared that in that month of use, 1 of the 3 water cysts had miraculously vanished. She was shocked and wanted to get more Negative Ion clothes to further improve her condition.
Being married to an only child, the sister was under great pressure to bear a child regardless of gender, for the family. It was then Xiaofang suggested she bought what we call the full set of Negative Ion Clothes to improve her health and increase her chances of conceiving.
7 months later, Xiaofang was delighted to be informed that the sister had given birth! Since then, her child is now a 1st-year Postgraduate. What a perfect ending to this story!
這位妹妹聽完分享會時帶了2⃣️件內褲回家,曉芳區總一個月多都不敢找她,怕她說沒效果,沒想到的是同學妹妹主動需求加量! 突然間曉芳區總充滿了神氣的力量,什麼話都敢說