Migraine, allergic dermatitis, menopause
Testimony for #migraine #allergicdermatitis #menopause Firstly, I am very grateful to Nefful for producing such high-tech products. I also want to thank my introducers, Jingjing
Testimony for #migraine #allergicdermatitis #menopause Firstly, I am very grateful to Nefful for producing such high-tech products. I also want to thank my introducers, Jingjing
Testimony for #Thalassemia, #gastric ulcer, uterus problems and #depression Lu Ai Fang was introduced to Negative ion clothes by her friend. Initially, she was sceptical
Testimony for severe blood clot Thanks to Ms Liu, Chongqing, China for sharing. Through a friend’s recommendation to Negative Ion Clothes, Ms Liu used a
Testimony for a severe #bruise recovery Grateful for Negative Ion clothes! It reduced my pain and helped with rapid recovery! Take control of your own
Acupuncture & Negative Ion Clothes Experience the effects of #Acupuncture (without the needles) by wearing Nefful’s Negative Ion Clothes! Name of Acupuncture point Nao Shu
Testimony for Varicose Veins BEFORE Ms Clara Chan’s mum suffered from numbness due to varicose veins. AFTER Less than 2 months of using negative ion
Testimony for Cerebral Palsy BEFORE A father (Markcus) whose 32 year old son has cerebral palsy (can’t talk nor walk) and learning difficulties.AFTER After hearing the
Foot Odour, Paronychia, Ruptured heel, Lipid Dermatitis, Neurodermatitis Wen Xiangdong (San Francisco of USA) Product use: whole set I have worked as a doctor for
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